Thursday, May 31, 2012

Acute Myelogenous Leukemia ? Causes?myelogenous leukemia ...

Acute Myelogenous Leukemia ? Causes?myelogenous leukemia , Symptoms and Treatment
The other symptoms of leukemia also include the symptoms that different organs may exhibit as a result of the cancer cells being deposited in the organ due to the leukemia,Lymphoma is cancer of the lymph glands and cells and includes overgrowth of lymphocytes,Treatment.Leukemia. These diseases affect everyone in the family of the person diagnosed,leukemia survival rate. However only a small number of patients are cured with current therapy, Presented below is some of the literature with regard to these symptoms,Acute. swollen lymph nodes (without pain),acute leukemia prognosis. which has a number of very important functions such as transporting oxygen to the different organs to the body, Overall,.Acute myelogenous leukemia is the most common leukemia and is a fast growing cancer of the blood and bone marrow,Leukemia patients do not always have treatment,Leukemia. or cancer of the blood cells.causes.
they did not get the duration and quality in their second round of treatment. such as intravenous nutrition and treatment with oral antibiotics,. weight loss.Some symptoms of AML include:* Abdominal swelling* Infections that continue or repeat* Difficulty breathing and lack of energy* Pain in the joints or bonesTreatmentsAge and disease subtype are factors that doctors will take into consideration in planning the right treatment for the person living with AML,Myelogenous. ?white?, the average survival rate was declared to be 28 months,myelogenous leukemia. They also can affect the lungs and other parts of the body, whereas some chronic varieties may exist for years before they are even diagnosed,. with those patients treated again with decitabine having a 13-month rate of survival before suffering from any sort of relapse.promyelocytic leukemia. researchers have identified some general features among the symptoms of people with leukemia: abnormal bleeding, father,treatment. and researchers still have to find the ultimate cure, However.Leukemia. Follow-up therapy for ALL patients usually consists of: supportive care,myelogenous. weakness, It is newly diagnosed in about 29,Symptoms. and a reduced tolerance for exercise,treatment for leukemia.Although therapy is readily available.child leukemia symptoms. This treatment is sometimes difficult for the patient to handle,Benzene is an organic chemical compound, Benzene is commonly used as an additive in other chemicals,. and depressed functioning of the immune system. followed by maintenance of shorter treatment rounds,leukemia cll. then all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) may be used, followed by 2 years of maintenance chemotherapy,Symptoms. will have the most benefits for patients,Causes. child. weight loss,leukemia and lymphoma. which means that the blood has very low levels of erythrocytes or red blood cells,cmml leukemia. High exposure to radiation either through tests or during a person?s job increases the likely hood of getting leukemia.
Studies have linked exposure to petrochemicals,leukemia. There are several types of leukemia and.. and depressed functioning of the immune system.. There are small amounts of benzene used in manufacturing processes for instance.Acute. administered over a longer period of time.Causes. blurred vision,symptoms.The American Cancer Society?s journal published this study in their latest issue, For children with low-risk.leukemia.In general,. and platelets. infections and fever.Treatment. disease-related overgrowth of lymph nodes or spleen, bone or joint pain,lymphocytic leukemia. However,Cause for either leukemia or lymphoma is not known,Myelogenous. a huge body of literature on its treatment and its symptoms has been created,myelogenous.leukemia diagnosis. pre-leukemia affects adults in their 50s,leukemia. These are the part of the blood that fights infection, night sweats,acute myelocytic leukemia. including red blood cells.and.
ConclusionLeukemia is a cancer of blood-forming cells in the bone marrow. Chronic forms mostly occurs in older people,acute. causing enlargement of these organs, L-asparaginase,myelogenous. Like many other cancers, eventually killing the normal blood cells.myelogenous. which increases the risk of infection in the patient,leukemia. It tends to develop suddenly, Usually,and. causing fewer blood cells to form (which are needed to circulate and carry oxygen to different body parts). Some of the symptoms are: easy bruising, contact an experienced attorney to get legal support and the direction you need, can have significantly advantageous results for patients diagnosed with pre-leukemia,Acute LeukemiaAcute leukemia is characterized by the rapid increase of immature blood cells, the fear is just as bad if it is about someone that means something to you. such as benzene, Treatment is generally considered necessary when the patient shows signs and symptoms such as low blood cell counts, Given this,Further testingOnce leukemia is suspected, ?blood?) is a cancer of the blood or bone marrow and is characterized by an abnormal growth of blood cells, Until the cause or causes are found, Smoking increases the chances of getting leukemia, it is very treatable in most situations, and vincristine) for the first month of treatment, recurring infections, anemia. taking a more detailed look at pre-leukemia and its effects on the human body.

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Spamming Trap For Online Business Beginners

People who begin their online business ventures would naturally be unaware of many of the internet business rules, protocols and etiquettes. Yet, as in any law, the internet law does not forgive for ignorance. One of the most important issues that are governed by many controls over the internet is Spamming. A beginner in online business can very easily fall unintentionally into the spamming trap while conducting internet marketing activity to promote his/her business. Spamming has many faces and forms depending on the marketing activity performed. We will list the marketing activity, the possible spamming forms within each marketing activity, possible consequences and how to avoid unintentional spamming in each spamming form. 1- E-mail Campaigns: The most common spamming method is conducted through e-mail campaigns. E-mail spamming is when you send an e-mail promoting your product or service to someone who did not request any information from you. In many cases beginners fall into the trap of buying lists of e-mails from questionable sources and when sending the e-mail campaign they would realize that one of the following occurred: a. Received direct complaints. b. The e-mail account gets shut from the ISP or the hosting provider. c. Contacted by internet police. How to avoid e-mail spamming: a. Make sure that the person who you are sending your campaign to has requested information from you or allowed you to send him e-mails. b. When buying e-mail lists make sure that the list is safe and has allowed e-mails to be sent to them. c. Ensure to have a statement at the end of your e-mail that would allow the recipient of your e-mail campaign to opt out if they do not wish to receive any communication from you. 2- Link Submission: Spamming in Link submission could be done in different forms but to cut the story short, you should follow the rules of each directory carefully. Among the very famous rules that are common across many link submission directories: a. Do not submit your website link in more than one category. b. Do not submit different pages of your website; submit only your top level link. c. Do not submit your link more than once. Search the directory to check if your link already exists. Failing to follow the rules of each directory would delete your link immediately at this particular directory. 3- Article Submission: Just like link directories, article directories have their own rules as well. Not complying with these rules will make those directories decline your articles. Among the most famous rules are the following: a. Submit your own work and not somebody else?s. b. Submit a topic that is acceptable by the directory. c. Do not make your title all in Capital letters. Use Title Caps form. d. Do not Bold your key words within your article. 4- Posting in Forum: Again you have to read the rules of each forum you intend to be part of before you make any posts. Among the most famous rules are the following: a. Do not advertise your business in your posts. b. Do not include affiliate links in your posts. c. Follow the exact rules of the forum for your sig. file. Failing to comply will make the forum moderators cancel your account permanently. 5- Blogging: Filling your Blog by copying other people?s articles could eliminate your account permanently with your Blog host. 6- Search Engine Related Spamming Activity: a. Filling your site content with your keywords will be considered spamming by search engines. b. Submitting your website to link farms will be considered spamming by search engines. c. Adding huge amounts of content to your website while your site niche does not usually require such additions will be considered spamming by search engines. d. Submitting your website to FFA?s could be considered as spamming by search engines. e. Including Keywords in your Keyword tag on your website while they are not related to your website could be considered as spamming by search engines. I hope this will help all online business beginners to avoid the spamming trap and have a smooth and successful internet marketing activity.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Robin Wilson: Pregnant Women Deserve Courteous Behavior

Pregnant with a first child is a life-altering moment, especially when you hit five months and your belly becomes visible to the world. However, there are some rude people who have forgotten the basic rule of common courtesy for pregnant women... watch the baby bump!

Memorial Day weekend -- Mystic, Conn. Wonderful weather, excellent pizza at the infamous Mystic Pizza and a series of kind people who offered a table, a seat, a bathroom. Until... the moment that shattered the idyllic weekend.

Walking along the sidewalk, and out of nowhere an errant frisbee comes from an alleyway - -hits a lightpole and miraculous careens right into my baby bump! We are talking full speed ahead, knock your breath out, and a moment of shock on my part, followed by a reflexive double-over clutching my belly.

The shocking thing happened next... the man who did not catch the object said the words, "It's no big deal... it's just a Frisbee..." And proceeded to pick it up and walk away. I said, "Your Frisbee hit me and I am pregnant..." His reply, "It was an accident..."

Shocking to say the least. Rudeness at its best. And boorishness at a basic level. Not once did I see a gesture of concern about my physical well-being or hear the words "I'm sorry" or "Are you okay?" Under my breath, an involuntary word erupted but we kept on walking. Then, the final coup de grace occurred when his wife said as we walked by..."You're okay -- still breathing." I stopped in my tracks, pulled sunglasses up and looked her right in the eye. Then, without a word, turned and walked away...

What should have happened in that moment reflects a new reality of adults who forget that they should model behavior for their children, a lack of concern for humanity (maybe too much social media and too little personal contact), and a basic lack of concern for a potential injury to a pregnant woman carrying an unborn life.

Perhaps we all need to take a step back and remind ourselves that we all arrived on this earth through a mother -- and the basic humanity deserved by any visibly pregnant woman needs greater attention. It is really easy to offer a seat on the subway, provide access to a bathroom, or remember a basic: watch out for the baby bump!




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Saturday, May 19, 2012

See the solar eclipse at a national park

Reuters file

A "ring of fire" glows around the dark moon on Jan. 26, 2009, as seen from Bandar Lampung in Indonesia during an annular solar eclipse. A similar site will greet skywatchers in the southwestern U.S. on Sunday.

By Rob Lovitt, contributor

Visitors to America?s national parks are used to seeing impressive displays of nature, but this weekend, some may be in for a special treat.

On Sunday, weather permitting, visitors to select parks from Northern California to central New Mexico will be able to see the moon pass in front of the sun in such a way that it creates an annular, or ring-shaped, eclipse. It?s the first time in 18 years that this type of eclipse has been seen in the continental U.S.

?It?s uncommon to have a total or annular eclipse cross your favorite continent,? said Chad Moore, manager of the Night Skies Program for the National Park Service (NPS). ?With this one, there are 33 parks in the path of the annularity, six of which are smack dab in the middle of it.?

For those six ? Canyon de Chelly, Glen Canyon, Lassen, Petroglyph, Redwood and Zion ? the moon will be centered on and cover roughly 95 percent of the sun, creating a perfect ?ring of fire.? The other 27 will also experience annularity but the ring will be slightly lopsided.

Another 125 parks from Alaska to Michigan may experience a partial eclipse based on weather and their distance from the event path. (For more information, including maps and events, visit the National Park Service's eclipse page.)

Nearly 400 national parks can be found all across America, and feature breathtaking vistas, rock formations millions of years old, and more.

Wherever you choose to view it, experts advise against looking at or taking photos of the eclipse directly as it can damage both eyes and cameras. Many parks within the path of the annularity will be selling disposable eclipse glasses for $2?$3; solar filters for optical gear are available online and in camera stores.

By all accounts, this event should be one for the ages, especially for those experiencing the full annularity.

?It?s the whole earth-sun connection,? said Tyler Nordgren, a physics professor at the University of Redlands. ?We?re all solar-powered. We depend on the sun for life and energy so it?s important to pay attention to it.?

Related: Where and how to see the solar eclipse

If that sounds appealing, here are five parks that are hosting events where you can do just that:

Lassen Volcanic National Park
With Redwood National Park prone to fog, this park in Northern California may be the first NPS unit to experience a perfect ring of fire as the eclipse races across the western U.S. A special astronomy program will be held at the Kohm Yah-mah-nee Visitor Center from 3 to 4 p.m., followed by ranger-led viewing of the eclipse at the Devastated Area and Bumpass Hell areas of the park.

Bryce Canyon National Park
The ring may look slightly off-kilter ? Bryce is just off the centerline ? but the eclipse is still expected to draw thousands of visitors as it coincides with the park?s 12th Annual Astronomy Festival (May 17?20). In addition to eclipse viewing on Sunday, there will be daily and evening programs dedicated to stargazing, rocket building and the science, history and mythology of astronomy.

Grand Canyon National Park
As at Bryce, the ring will be somewhat lopsided but Grand Canyon is still a worthwhile option as it has the space and facilities to handle larger crowds. The center of activities in the park will be the more-accessible South Rim, where visitors can attend presentations by NASA scientists before the eclipse and a public star party with free telescope viewing afterward.

Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
Like Lassen, Glen Canyon sits smack dab on the eclipse centerline although the event won?t last as long as the sun will be closer to setting. Perhaps to compensate, the park is holding a four-day festival featuring stargazing sessions and presentations by astronomers. For the eclipse itself, the best viewing will be from the Wahweap Overlook.

Chaco Culture National Historical Park
Sitting on the centerline of the eclipse, this small park in northwestern New Mexico was also a center of ancestral Pueblan (Anasazi) culture between 850 and 1250 A.D., a culture, says Nordgren, that paid intense attention to the movement of the sun.

In fact, that?s where he intends to watch the eclipse, participating in an event at the park?s Pueblo Bonito ruin. ?To be in the middle of one of those buildings during the eclipse,? he told, ?should be just awe-inspiring.?

Where do you plan to watch the solar eclipse? Tell us on Facebook.

Rob Lovitt is a longtime travel writer who still believes the journey is as important as the destination. Follow him at Twitter.

More on Itineraries



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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Tyngsboro school panel, teachers union face May 31 mitigation deadline

TYNGSBORO -- As contract negotiations between the School Committee and the teachers' union continue, a May 31 deadline is looming before a mitigation package incentive expires for unions that agree to pay 30 percent for health-insurance premiums.

Superintendent of Schools Don Ciampa described the deadline as the sand in the hourglass.

"It's a precarious timeline we're walking," Ciampa said at a School Committee meeting earlier this month.

The School Committee, on Ciampa's recommendation, took $108,400 out of its proposed fiscal 2013 budget to put into a charge-back account to pay health-insurance premiums for teachers paying 25 percent of their health-insurance costs in case the union and the committee do not reach an agreement by May 31.

The $108,400 is coming out of the $235,000 budgeted for undistributed salaries, which are the funds set aside for negotiating all union and non-union employee contracts across the district.

Reducing those funds limits the ability of the School Committee to negotiate contracts.

The mitigation package is part of the work of a townwide Insurance Committee tasked with making significant changes to the town's liability and building insurance and employee health-insurance benefits.

If the union reaches a collective-bargaining agreement, the town is offering a flexible-spending account, a one-time buyout for employees who remove themselves from the town's health-insurance benefits of $3,000 for

those who were on the family plan and $1,500 for employees on the single plan and off-sets for the first three years.

Without an agreement by May 31, those incentives will not be available.

School Committee member Jeffrey Hunt, who served on the Insurance Committee, expressed his frustration that the union has not agreed to the health-insurance package.

"It's frustrating not being part of the Negotiations Committee to see that the town has come forward with a great plan and that the union is not recognizing the benefits of that work and also the benefits to their people in that union," said Hunt. "Without getting into specifics, the School Committee has also offered a fairly good compensation package, a three-year contract when you look at it relative to surrounding communities and what has already been agreed to this year and previous years in surrounding communities."

School Committee member Burt Buchman, chair of the Negotiations Committee, said tentative agreements have been reached with the secretaries and custodians unions and a "handshake" agreement with the paraprofessionals union agreeing to the 30 percent payment of health-insurance premiums.

Town Treasurer Kerry Colburn-Dion said all of the town's unions have agreed to pay 30 percent of health-insurance premiums except the clerical union.

It's not that the clerical union has not agreed to pay 30 percent of health-insurance premiums, but it has not agreed to a complete compensation package, said Colburn-Dion.

The teachers' union contract expired Aug. 31.

Union president Cheryl Laforge could not be reached for comment.

The School Committee filed for mediation with the state Department of Labor Relations in late fall after meeting about half a dozen times beginning last summer, said Buchman.

"Prior to filing back in the fall it just got to the point where the only thing we had agreed on was changing 'Department of Education' to the 'Department of Elementary and Secondary Education' in the contract," said Buchman. "We were really very far apart."

The union signed a letter of agreement on the health-insurance plan-design changes, said Buchman, but the School Committee and the union must negotiate the rate at which employees will pay.

Buchman, who has negotiated contracts for the School Committee for six of the last eight years, said he is always hopeful, but the town has to plan as if they will not come to an agreement before May 31.

"We're trying to be very realistic in what we're presenting to the teachers," he said. "Right now, we are very far apart."

Buchman did say the School Committee is not interested in taking away step increases.

The final 2013 budget the School Committee voted on last week includes a reduction of current or proposed 4.9 full-time equivalent positions.

Follow Sarah Favot @sarahfavot.

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Positive Aspects of Having Birds As Pets | Pets And Animals Blog

[unable to retrieve full-text content]A lot of the time when pets come into a conversation birds are often disregarded ? but they do in fact make fantastic pets. There are many positive aspects of having birds as pets similarly to how there is having a dog or a cat.

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Google patents Project Glass tech

Search giant Google has patented the technology behind its augmented-reality glasses, known as Project Glass.

Three patents for a "wearable display device" with characteristics of the much-talked about futuristic glasses were submitted last autumn.

The patents reference such functions as displaying data in front of the wearer's eyes and playing audio.

In April, Google revealed details of its research into the glasses and showed a demo video of a prototype.

The patents show images of different versions of augmented reality glasses, some with lenses and some without.

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Google is working on the project in its research lab, Google X.

The prototypes are currently being tested by the firm's executives, including Sergey Brin and Vic Gundotra.

The demo video showed science fiction-like glasses equipped with a microphone and partly transparent tiny screen right above the user's right eye.

Besides displaying information about the wearer's surroundings, the glasses were shown to be used to communicate with other people, browse the web, listen to music and also take photos.

Similar tech

There are other firms researching the augmented-reality eyewear.

For instance, Oakley is currently developing similar glasses targeted at athletes and other sportsmen and women.

A number of companies had attempted to pioneer the concept as well, but did not get very far because their versions required users to carry separate battery equipment, as analyst at Davies Murphy Group Europe told the BBC in an earlier interview.

"There are huge opportunities for tailored advertising with augmented reality systems - especially if they have in-built GPS location tracking," Chris Green said.

"The monetisation opportunities would be enormous - but there are still big issues involved with shrinking the technology and making the computer that receives and processes the data truly portable."

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Ways To Overcome Your Competitors With Search Engine ...

The Internet is a hyper-competitive marketplace, so any Internet marketer worth his salt uses search engine optimization techniques to increase his traffic. Today, search engines are a vital part of online commerce, helping people find the products and services that they need. Read on to find out how to get your site to the top of the search engine rankings.

Create a site map that includes your keywords. A site map is a navigational tool on your website that gives links to all the different pages so that viewers can easily find the specific page they?re looking for. Site maps are also useful indexing tools for search engines, as accessibility is a highly desirable trait.

Keyword density is an important component in search engine optimization. The total use of keywords on any given page should be less than 20 percent.

A title tag will make sure you are recognized by search engines, and they will then be able to understand your web page. Use no more than 60 characters, because most search engines will not display content past that point. They will also give text or terms coming after that point less weight.

Write things that are new and exciting; you will rank higher with search engines. You need to work to provide your customers new and different information, compared to the other websites that they look at. People who like what they read the first time they visit your site are likely to come back a second time.

Site maps allow search engines to index all pages from your site. A site map is also known as the navigation bar. This part of your web site will let search engines know how many pages your web site has and what each one contains. When your site is not very large, you still want to have a site map to help raise your search engine rankings.

The world of podcasts is also something you should consider. A podcast can include audio or video content that includes relevant, interesting material directed at your consumers. These are becoming increasingly popular among consumers, and taking advantage of this popularity is as simple as grabbing a tape recorder or video camera. You should use meta descriptions attached to your podcast posting to make sure that search engine spiders can index them properly for ranking.

If you want to go up the ranks when it comes to search engines, then give a lot of content that spans various topics that at the same time stays focused on the niche. For example, if you own a baseball blog, you can write articles about collectible baseball items, current and past players, and even an article about equipment. Make sure you provide plurals of all of your content, so you can get a higher rank.

You should write unique content so you can get higher on search engine ranks- make it your top priority. To attract more attention make sure the content on your website is different from the others. You are going to have repeat readers if you engage them with original and well written content.

Do this by forming a robots. txt file and including it within the root directory. The search engine is then unable to access selected files featured on your site.

Try boosting your online presence using the free local listings through Yahoo! or Google. These services will provide you with the free publicity you need to glean visibility and visitors. Always take up free venues for your publicity.

Do not repeat any thing on your webpages, Google will catch it and drop your rank. A better way is to always write original content to keep your website fresh for your audience.

If your site is mostly videos, it will be tough for you to rank as high in search results, regardless of how good the videos are. To help website crawlers recognize your website?s videos, use a site map page that lists the videos.

As you have learned, a large part of optimizing your site for search engines is simply knowing how to use popular keywords. Utilizing those words within your website causes the search engine to send those doing searches, to websites that include those keywords as part of the site. In this article, you can begin on the path to learn how to use keywords most effectively.

If you want to find out more about Search engine marketing, look at this blog post. One other factor reviewed this particular statement is mostly about affiliate marketing on the whole.

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Loss of Libido: What Is A Man Without His Sex Drive? | Male ...

A man?s sex drive is a strange thing. It is not thought about very often at all ? until it is gone.? Then, when this happens, everything seems out of balance.? When compared to a woman?s sex drive which is often considered to be some kind of clock which winds down over the course of a relationship, the two are completely different.

  • Women ? It is thought that a woman?s sex drive diminishes throughout the course of a long-term relationship.? It is thought that this dates back thousands of years and comes from a woman?s strong need to bear a child.? According to experts, women will have a reasonably high sex drive at the start of the relationship, as they try to secure a man.? Once a child has been born and the family are happy, sex is no longer an important part of the relationship for the woman and the focus shifts to emotional ties with her family members and providing other forms of care and attention to keep things running smoothly.? Whilst times may have changed and women have definitely become more sexually overt, the time-old patterns seem to remain and regardless of age, women in long lasting relationships seem to lose the desire for sex long before their partners.
  • Men ? A man?s desire for sex is strong, simple and straight forward.? Studies have shown that women?s desire for sex can be affected by many things, often with emotional ties.? If a man does something to please a woman in a non-sexual way, it can often lead to the woman becoming more open to the idea of sex.? However with men, the same sexual arousal factors play a part each time and for the most part, they have nothing to do with emotional desire, simply physical.? A man?s sexual desire is known to outlast women?s by far.

Loss of libido

Just as the sex drive in men and women is different in the first place, the effect of losing that desire has different consequences for both sexes.

  • Women ? As discussed earlier, it is considered normal for women to lose their sex drive in a long-term relationship.? They may also lose the desire to have sex at a younger age than men.? However, the loss of libido?doesn?t?seem to have any roll-over effect on any other part of their lives.? Studies have shown that women who have lost their libido are happy in all other areas of their lives including their home, work and social life.
  • Men ? It is much rarer for a man to lose his libido, although it does diminish naturally with age.? However, the 15-16% of men who do suffer from unexpected loss of libido have been shown to be extremely unhappy in almost all aspects of their lives.? In a lot of cases, the men are depressed although experts have raised the question as to which came first, the depression or the loss of libido, it is clear that one fits comfortably with the other.

Causes for a man to Lose his Libido

There are a number of reasons for a man to lose his libido:

  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Smoking
  • Guilt
  • Depression
  • Performance anxiety
  • Obesity

Ways to get your libido back

There a numerous ways to increase the libido.? Eating known aphrodisiacs such as chocolates, strawberries, certain pulses and of course, oysters can give the libido the boost it needs.? In addition to eating certain types of foods, regular exercise is also a good way to jump start the sex drive.? This works for various reasons:

  • Exercise helps to maintain a healthy weight and a good body image can make a person feel better about themselves and more confident.? This confidence can, in itself, be an amazing natural aphrodisiac.
  • Getting the heart rate pumping through exercise imitates the same feelings as excitement and lust, with shallow breathing and a racing heart.
  • Regular exercise will help a person sleep better.? Getting enough rest is imperative for a person to be in the proper frame of mind for sex.? Sleepless nights cause agitation and irritability, making closeness with another human being very difficult.

Natural male enhancement supplements

Natural male enhancement supplements can contain any number of herbal extracts designed to increase the libido.? In addition to this, they can also help combat problems such as premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.? Doing so can heighten levels of self-esteem and self-confidence to such a point where men return to their sexual peak.

Ingredients to look out for in such supplements to help with such a problem are:

  • Horny Goat Weed ? An aphrodisiac used for many years in traditional Chinese medicine which has gained popularity around the world for its positive effects in increasing the libido.
  • Oat straw ? This helps nerves to become more sensitive, meaning that there is a heightened reaction to touch, increasing arousal.
  • Tribulus Terrestris ? Increases testosterone within the body without upsetting the delicate balance of hormones.

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SHS wins second golf state championship in same year

SALISBURY - The Salisbury High School men's golf team has won the state championship.

The men took the crown on Tuesday afternoon in Pinehurst.? It also marks a very unique milestone in that the SHS women's golf team has also won the state championship.

A quick check of records doesn't find any other cases of both the men's and women's teams winning state titles in the same year.

There are also instances of individual players winning state championships.? WBTV will update this story as those details become available.

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Different Roof and Siding Materials That Fit Your Home

Houses are like pearls -- they are valuable and are great investments. And just like pearls, they are encased in protective shells that guard them from harmful elements. The roof and exterior walls are important because they are the shells that help create a structurally sound building that offers safety to its occupants.

Roofs and exterior wall treatments like sidings are crucial to a house's protection; without them the house is subject to extensive damage and early wear and tear. They provide protection to every structure built as shelter. Because various roofs and sidings have proven their worth, a number of materials have been developed to maximize their protective capabilities against harsh weather conditions. These materials are made to fit and adjust to the climate and topography of the area where they are used.

Preferred roofing systems are shingles made from asphalt, metal, slate, concrete, and clay tiles. Asphalt is most common because it is fire resistant and lasts longer. Metal shingles are relatively lightweight and have a great resistance to adverse weather.

Slate shingles are popular for their colorations and grades; they are considered virtually indestructible and are more expensive than other roofing materials. Concrete and clay tiles are quite heavy and need considerations for structural support. Wood or shake shingles have limited use because of their lower capacity to resist fire; though it can treated for better protection against fire.

Several Arlington roofing contractors in Virginia also offer wall sidings for home improvements. Sidings are wall treatments that protect and improve the appearance of your house. They are available in different materials such as vinyl, wood, aluminum and fiber cement. Vinyl sidings are the more popular siding materials because of their affordability, resistance to damage and low maintenance qualities.

Other Arlington siding contractors have sidings made from wood which come in different styles, textures and finishes but prone to insects, rotting, and warping. Aluminum comes in a broad range of styles, is moderately priced but is easily dented. Sidings can also be made from fiber cement which is extremely durable and easy to take care of.

The best material for roofing or siding Arlington residents prefer will provide utmost protection to make their home last longer. If extra effort is given for proper care and maintenance of these roofs and sidings, they will keep families safe for many years. For more information about roofing and sidings you may go to and

If you have questions, please visit us at for complete details and answers.

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Investigation finds New York paid over $36000 in work comp ...

Officials with the state of New York's Workers' Compensation Board are likely feeling somewhat frustrated following a revelation earlier this month that they issued thousands of dollars in workers' compensation benefits to otherwise ineligible recipients.

Specifically, on May 4, the New York State comptroller's office announced that a comprehensive investigation revealed that the State Insurance Fund -- the state's largest workers' compensation insurance carrier, akin to California's State Compensation Insurance Fund -- paid over $36,000 to seven inmates in state prison.

State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli indicated that state officials uncovered the problem after cross-referencing approved work comp claimants with inmate files from the Department of Correction and Community Supervision, and examining work comp benefits paid from September 2008 to September 2011.

"Simply stated, inmates serving felony time are not entitled to a dime of workers' compensation benefits. These payments are indefensible and should have been stopped," said DiNapoli. "The Workers' Compensation Board owes it to businesses and taxpayers to put stronger internal controls in place. New York state businesses can't afford to pay higher insurance premiums to cover the cost of these inappropriate payments."

In order to prevent a reoccurrence of this costly mishap, the New York State comptroller's office advised the WCB to implement more stringent internal controls, including periodic cross-checks of recipients. They also advised the WCB to continue with its efforts to recover the work comp benefits from inmates.

Interestingly, DiNapoli also stated that his investigation revealed that private work comp carriers might have inadvertently paid work comp benefits to another 193 inmates in the state prison system.

Stay tuned for further updates from our San Diego workers' compensation firm ...

If you have questions or would like to learn more about workers' compensation benefits, contact an experienced legal professional.

This post was for informational purposes only and is not to be construed as legal advice.


Insurance Journal "Probe finds N.Y. paid prison inmates improper workers' comp benefits," May 7, 2012

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Forex and You | Wc billinois

Every single day, thousands and thousands of trades are created within a currency exchange marketplace termed Forex trading. The term ?Forex? specifically stems fx rogue from the start of two phrases ? ?foreign? and ?exchange?. Contrary to other investing programs including the stock promote, Fx will not include the investing of any products, bodily or representative. As an alternative, Currency trading operates by getting, marketing, and investing involving the currencies of assorted economies from worldwide. As the Currency trading current market is really a worldwide buying and selling method, trades are created twenty-four hours a day, 5 times every week. Additionally, Fx is just not bound by any a single command company, meaning that Forex trading may be the only legitimate cost-free current market financial buying and selling program accessible right now. By leaving the exchange fees outside of any a person group?s fingers, it truly is a lot extra tough to even try to manipulate or corner the currency industry. With every one of the rewards connected together with the Forex trading process, as well as the international assortment of participation, the Forex trading current market is definitely the major marketplace inside the complete earth.

Anyplace concerning one trillion and one.five trillion equivalent Usa bucks are traded to the Forex trading industry every and every single day.

So fairly than tutorial you via a structured web page with a lot more specifics by different sections; they usually make use of this pitch web page and so they typically pack it with information and facts and also a ton of tricky providing. It has demonstrated to get the pattern and it truly is gotten more challenging and more challenging for a few EAs to market place their software program with no these kind of pitch pages. It is actually normally the situation with electronic solutions and or/stuff you could get on-line. In regards to these make-money-online and Forex trading web-sites they usually use a large amount of flash to them and clearly lots of factors to draw buyers in. Actually it really is not a great deal unique from almost every other kind of promoting, most undoubtedly not the likes of other financial systems, and so forth. They really need to have some kind of attractiveness and be aggressive. My summary is always that even though it seems to be like it may be a fraud, do your research anyhow and it could not be. It just is dependent. Some points are symptoms, but in my view website style and tough offering usually are not immediate symptoms of the fraud.

While within the Forex trading Industry one thing to hope for could well be charts and evidence.

Most forex trading choices investing is performed by way of phone as you can find only a couple of foreign exchange brokers giving on the net foreign exchange possibility buying and selling platforms.

Forex trading Selection Defined ? A foreign exchange alternative is really a economic currency agreement providing the forex trading alternative customer the correct, although not the obligation, to acquire or offer a certain foreign exchange spot agreement (the fundamental) in a certain cost (the strike selling price) on or ahead of a certain date (the expiration date). The number the fx choice purchaser pays on the currency trading possibility seller to the forex trading selection agreement legal rights known as the forex trading selection ?premium.?

The Fx Alternative Customer ? The customer, or holder, of the foreign currency alternative has the preference to possibly provide the foreign currency selection agreement ahead of expiration, or she or he can decide to maintain the foreign currency alternatives agreement right until expiration and training their appropriate to consider a placement during the fundamental spot foreign currency. The act of working out the foreign currency selection and using the subsequent fundamental situation inside the foreign currency spot industry is called ?assignment? or staying ?assigned? a spot place.

As I stated previously mentioned, the foreign exchange buying and selling is regarded as on the list of most prosperous and eye-catching possibilities for financial commitment as any individual can effortlessly do at your house or company and from any section of the planet.

For succeeding the Foreign currency trading, someone just isn?t demanded to carry out any on the web advertising, promotion and many others. The one need while in the Foreign currency trading may be the account that an individual is needed to open up with reputable and registered brokers, a pc program and speedy web link.

Now, you?ve got for being watchful when opening a Currency trading account with any broker simply because some may very well be Fraud. The Commodity Futures Investing Commission (CFTC) in US has jurisdiction through all Futures and Fx action. When buying and selling within the foreign exchange markets, consumers need to only trade by using a CFTC registered entity that is definitely also a member with the Countrywide Futures Association (NFA) and it is controlled because of the CFTC. For non-US broker/ financial institution entities, ensure which the broker or lender is registered with that country?s ideal regulatory bodies.

The simple most clear reply is certainly ? online! On the net fx trading provides you immediate accessibility to your forex trading industry and there is plenty and plenty of providers available that are in company only to offer with you on the net. Be vigilant, do devote enough time to acquire some fantastic currency trading schooling, all over again this may be supplied on the internet and put together your dummy account to trade just before you try and go reside. For those who get treatment and just take your time, there is certainly no cause why you should not achieve success in currency trading so, have persistence and adhere at it!

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Flesh-eating germ rare, especially for the healthy

This image provided by UTMB-Galveston shows a scanning electron microscopic image of WT (wild type) Aeromonas hydrophila strain SSU, the bacteria responsible for the flesh-eating disease that is usually caused by a strep germ. Georgia grad student Aimee Copeland is fighting a life-threatening flesh-eating disease, and doctors are calling her case very rare. The infection occurred after she gashed her leg in a Georgia river May 1, 2012, after a zip line accident. (AP Photo/UTMB-Galveston, Ashok K. Chopra, Ph.D., and Dr. Leon Bromberg)

This image provided by UTMB-Galveston shows a scanning electron microscopic image of WT (wild type) Aeromonas hydrophila strain SSU, the bacteria responsible for the flesh-eating disease that is usually caused by a strep germ. Georgia grad student Aimee Copeland is fighting a life-threatening flesh-eating disease, and doctors are calling her case very rare. The infection occurred after she gashed her leg in a Georgia river May 1, 2012, after a zip line accident. (AP Photo/UTMB-Galveston, Ashok K. Chopra, Ph.D., and Dr. Leon Bromberg)

(AP) ? Aimee Copeland, a Georgia grad student, is fighting for her life because of the flesh-eating bacteria that infected her after she gashed her leg in a river two weeks ago. One of her legs was amputated and her fingers will be too, her father says, because of the spreading infection.

She has a rare condition, called necrotizing fasciitis, in which marauding bacteria run rampant through tissue. Affected areas sometimes have to be surgically removed to save the patient's life.


The government estimates roughly 750 flesh-eating bacteria cases occur each year, usually caused by a type of strep germ.

However, Aimee Copeland's infection was caused by another type of bacteria, Aeromonas hydrophila. Those cases are even rarer. One expert knew of only a few reported over the past few decades.


Yes, but about 1 in 5 people with the most common kind of flesh-eating strep bacteria die. There are few statistics on Aeromonas-caused cases like Copeland's.


The germs that can cause flesh-eating disease are common in warm and brackish waters like ponds, lakes and streams. They are not a threat to most people. An infectious disease expert at Vanderbilt University, Dr. William Schaffner, said: "I could dive in that same stream, in the same place, and if I don't injure myself I'm going to be perfectly fine. It's not going to get on the surface of my skin and burrow in. It doesn't do that."

But a cut or gash ? especially a deep one ? opens the door for flesh-eating bacteria.


Prompt and thorough medical care should stop the infection before it spreads. A wound can look clean, but if it's sutured or stapled up too soon it can create the kind of oxygen-deprived environment that helps these bacteria multiply and spread internally. Once established, these rare infections can be tricky to diagnose and treat.

Also, Aeromonas is resistant to some common antibiotics that work against strep and other infections, so it's important that doctors use the best medicines.


Yes, people with weakened immune systems are. Copeland's family has not said whether she had some type of medical condition that could have made her more vulnerable and relatives could not be reached for comment Monday. Her doctors, meanwhile, have refused interviews.

Associated Press

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Q & A: what specific careers or jobs can i get examples when having ...

Q & A: what specific careers or jobs can i get examples when having a degree in or related advertisement? | Finance Business Marketing Home > Advertising > Q & A: what specific careers or jobs can i get examples when having a degree in or related advertisement?

Question by Superstar :? what specific careers or jobs can i get examples when having a degree in advertisement or related
i want to major in adverstisement. i want products or events to get out to the people / media but i dont know where i can get a career with advertisement or should i change career that is more towards what i want to do i Described? Best answer:
Answer by

BigGMoney15 You can try
Pursuing a career in marketing. There are several facets to marketing. Advertising is just one of them. I went to school for a marketing degree but ended up majoring in advertising. Communications and marketing work hand in hand and you will be surprised at how technical the field can get broken down once. Do some research and narrow down exactly what you want to do in the advertising world, then go for it. A degree is not necessarily needed, but it does help your credibility once you are at your place of work. And it will probably help you country that job, too.

know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Florida man pleads not guilty to deadly casino punch

By Ken Ritter, The Associated Press
2:37 p.m. EST, May 15, 2012

LAS VEGAS ? A Nevada judge accepted a written not guilty plea and scheduled trial for an absent Florida man facing a felony involuntary manslaughter charge in the one-punch death of a man during a Las Vegas Strip casino scuffle.

Judge Abbi Silver in Las Vegas let Benjamin Hawkins' attorney, Jack Buchanan, stand in for Hawkins during Tuesday's arraignment in Clark County District Court.

Buchanan said Hawkins, of Gainesville, has cooperated with authorities since the encounter that left John Massie dead last July 6.

Hawkins claims self-defense after Massie made a comment about "a black man in a yellow shirt" in a restroom at O'Shea's Las Vegas Casino.

Hawkins is black. Massie was white. He was from Roy, Utah.

Casino video shows the punch and Massie falling backward. He died of severe brain injuries.

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Search engine marketing Advertising: Convenient Means of Web ...

This article has been viewed 80 times.

The days are gone once businesses everywhere have been confined to stunted advancement as they simply was lacking any spending budgets to coordinate the to the great company in the field. As it sometimes transpired the main sharks available in the market matured even bigger supplied its wonderful advertising and marketing financial constraints. These people were great feasts for smaller sized corporations using this method, which didn?t have methods to battle the major bullies at their own game. Although not now days, Website positioning came to save the day for many small business owners and entrepreneurs, who are able to nowadays tackle nowhere processor organizations not to mention bear his or her yard.

The basic basic principle connected with Search marketing is you can trick scores of on the internet prospects everywhere by getting your web blog, product your business enterprise larger rank. The amount of owners you?ll be able to collect with these means is definitely mindboggling and far larger than all those acquired through regular advertising and marketing procedures.

Website placement Selling evens your playing field pertaining to smaller suppliers resistant to the business leaders when you have no need for substantial promotional financial budgets to reach buyers any additional. What is more this not merely improves your online profits and yet encourages your enterprise user profile as well as enhances your traditional gross sales at the same time.

How does Search engine marketing appeal to businesses?

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Scientists hunt ways to stall Alzheimer's earlier

This image from the Health and Human Services new website shows the home page. The Obama administration adopts a landmark national strategy to fight Alzheimer's on Tuesday, May 15, 2012, setting the clock ticking toward a deadline of 2025 to finally find effective ways to treat, or at least stall, the mind-destroying disease. But work is beginning right away: Starting Tuesday, embattled families and caregivers can check a new one-stop website for easy-to-understand information about dementia and where to get help. (AP Photo/HHS)

This image from the Health and Human Services new website shows the home page. The Obama administration adopts a landmark national strategy to fight Alzheimer's on Tuesday, May 15, 2012, setting the clock ticking toward a deadline of 2025 to finally find effective ways to treat, or at least stall, the mind-destroying disease. But work is beginning right away: Starting Tuesday, embattled families and caregivers can check a new one-stop website for easy-to-understand information about dementia and where to get help. (AP Photo/HHS)

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius speaks during the Alzheimer's Disease conference, Tuesday, May 15, 2012, at the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Md. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

Graphic originally moved July 21, 2011 and is moving again for related story and with new logo; shows projected number of people age 65 and over in the U.S. with Alzheimer's disease; includes percent increase of the disease between 2000-2008 compared to other diseases.

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius speaks during the Alzheimer's Disease conference, Tuesday, May 15, 2012, at the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Md. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

(AP) ? Look for a fundamental shift in how scientists hunt ways to ward off the devastation of Alzheimer's disease ? by testing possible therapies in people who don't yet show many symptoms, before too much of the brain is destroyed.

The most ambitious attempt: An international study announced Tuesday will track whether an experimental drug can stall the disease in people who appear healthy but are genetically destined to get a type of Alzheimer's that runs in the family. If so, it would be exciting evidence that maybe regular Alzheimer's is preventable too.

A second study will test whether a nasal spray that sends insulin to the brain helps people with very early memory problems, based on separate research linking diabetes to an increased risk of Alzheimer's.

The new focus emerges as the Obama administration adopts the first national strategy to fight the worsening Alzheimer's epidemic ? a plan that sets the clock ticking toward finally having effective treatments by 2025.

"We are at an exceptional moment," with more important discoveries about Alzheimer's in the last few months than in recent years, Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, declared Tuesday.

But a meeting of the world's top Alzheimer's scientists this week made clear that meeting the 2025 deadline will require developing a mix of treatments to attack the different ways that Alzheimer's damages the brain ? much like it can take a cocktail of drugs to treat high blood pressure or the AIDS virus.

Perhaps more importantly, it will require testing possible drugs before full-blown Alzheimer's sets in, when it may be too late to do much good. After all, Alzheimer's starts ravaging the brain at least a decade before memory problems appear. And doctors don't wait until the worst symptoms appear before treating heart disease, cancer or diabetes, noted Dr. Reisa Sperling of Harvard Medical School.

"Once the train leaves the station of degeneration, it might be too late to stop it," Sperling said. "We need to define the critical window for intervention."

Future therapy is far from the only goal of the first National Alzheimer's Plan. It's a two-pronged approach, promising to provide better and support for overwhelmed families along the way.

"A lot more needs to be done and it needs to be done right now, because people with Alzheimer's disease and their loved ones and caregivers need help right now," Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said in announcing the plan.

Among the first steps: A new website ? ? that Sebelius called a one-stop shop for families offers easy-to-understand information about dementia and links to resources in their own communities. The government will offer free training to doctors and other health providers on how to spot the early signs of Alzheimer's and care for those patients. This summer, a campaign will begin to improve public awareness of Alzheimer's, important in reducing the stigma that helps fuel late diagnosis and the isolation that so many affected families feel.

Patient advocates applauded the move, and country music legend Glen Campbell, who has Alzheimer's, appeared on Capitol Hill to urge more research.

Alzheimer's "has been in the shadows for far too long," said Eric J. Hall of the Alzheimer's Foundation of America. The plan "provides solid stepping stones toward substantial change."

Already, 5.4 million Americans have Alzheimer's or related dementias. Barring a research breakthrough, those numbers will jump by 2050, when up to 16 million Americans are projected to have Alzheimer's.

There is no cure, and the five medications available today only temporarily ease some symptoms. Finding better ones has been a disappointing slog: Over the last decade, 10 drugs that initially seemed promising failed in late-stage testing, Sperling said.

Moreover, scientists still don't know exactly what causes Alzheimer's. The chief suspects are a sticky gunk called beta-amyloid, which makes up the disease's hallmark brain plaques, and tangles of a protein named tau that clogs dying brain cells. One theory: Amyloid may kick off the disease while tau speeds up the brain destruction.

Previous studies of anti-amyloid drugs have failed, but that new international study will test a different one, in a different way: About 300 people from a huge extended family in Colombia who share a gene mutation that triggers Alzheimer's in their 40s will test an experimental drug, Genentech's crenezumab, to see if it delays onset of symptoms. The study also will include some Americans who inherit Alzheimer's causing gene mutations.

Meanwhile, there are brain-protective steps that anyone can take that just might help, Dr. Carl Cotman of the University of California, Irvine, told Tuesday's NIH meeting.

"It's just a well-kept secret," he said.

The advice:

--Your brain is like a muscle so exercise it. Intellectual and social stimulation help build what's called "cognitive reserve," the ability to withstand declines from aging and dementia.

?Getting physical is crucial also. Clogged arteries slow blood flow to the brain, and people who are less active in middle age are at increased risk of Alzheimer's when they're older. "Any time your heart is healthier, your brain is healthier," said Dr. Elizabeth Head of the University of Kentucky.

--Don't forget diet, she added. The same foods that are heart-healthy are brain-healthy, such as the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish.


Lauran Neergaard covers health and medicine for The Associated Press in Washington.

Associated Press

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Curious about B-School? Here's my honest review | Coaching and ...

Have you heard about B-School? It?s one of the best online business training programs I?ve seen and the window for enrollment is currently open through May 25th.

I am a proud B-School graduate and can honestly say that it was the best business decision I made last year. Today I?m going to share with you what B-School is, why I love it, and who I think it?s best suited for (and not for).

I?m also going to tell you about a special bonus offer you can get if you sign up for B-School using my affiliate link.

If you?re curious about B-School, keep reading. Here is my 100% honest review.

What is B-School, anyway?

B-School, also known as Rich, Happy & Hot B-School, is an online business school for created by the multi-passionate entrepreneur Marie Forleo. It?s an 8-week online program to teach women (and men) how to create, structure, and grow their online business.

B-School covers what Marie has defined as the 6 Pillars of online business success.

1. Planning Your Profitable Online Business
2. Websites That Sell and Don?t Suck
3. Your Killer Communication Plan
4. List Building Mania
5. Carting Products and Services That Sell Themselves
6. Marketing Strategies That Pay You for Life

Marie has methodically mapped out exactly what you need to do to create a profitable, purpose-centered, online business. Marie teaches timeless and authentic business and marketing techniques that will help you grow your business in a way that feels good and true to you.

If you?re interested in more program specifics, you can find more details about the program right here.

To hear my thoughts on B-School and how to get some free coaching sessions with me, keep reading.

My honest review

As I said earlier, B-School was the best business decision I made last year. Since then I have doubled my income several times over, while still remaining true to myself, my values, and my purpose. I didn?t have to ?sell out? to find greater success. I simply learned some business and marketing skills to make my business work.

Program content

The program content is top-notch. Every concept is clearly explained. I never felt like anything was left out or missing.

Marie also hosts weekly live office hour calls, where she answers every single question that anyone has. Her undying patience, openness, and availability was impressive.

The community

Once I joined B-School last year, I also joined the B-School online community. The women in this group are like no other I?ve been a part of. They are loving, kind, giving, generous, non-competitive, supportive, thoughtful, caring, sharing, wise, and? I could keep going. I have never ever been a part of a group of women who are all ambitious yet simultaneously loving and non-competitive.

I can bring business ideas, personal struggles, and intimate vulnerabilities to this group and feel supported no matter what. The same is true for anyone in the group. This community alone was worth the B-School investment.

Who I think B-School is for

I believe that B-School is perfect for anyone who knows what they want to do for their business but hasn?t had much success with the business aspect of it (like making money!) or are ready to take their business success to the next level. If you?re clear or even mostly clear on what you want to do in your business, you are primed to take advantage of what Marie teaches in this program.

If you?re ready to put yourself out on the internet to make money doing what you love, and if you believe in yourself ? even just a tiny bit ? B-School will rock your world.

Who I think B-School is not for

If you are swimming in fear and have doubts about being in business, I suggest you wait until things settle down for you. From what I?ve seen, business owners who try to learn about business and marketing before they?re feeling confident that they can make their business work simply flounder and feel worse about their situation. I don?t want anyone to put unnecessary pressure on themselves when it comes to making their purpose-driven business work.

How to best take advantage of B-School

I believe that one of the biggest reasons B-School was a smash hit for me was that I set aside time each week to learn the material and implement the concepts Marie taught.

Each week I set aside two hours to take in the program material. I made learning a priority, put the time in my calendar, and made it non-negotiable. Additionally, I set aside another two to four hours each week to take action on what I learned. This meant that if I learned about websites on Monday, I was implementing what I learned on Wednesday or Thursday.

Not everything will be immediately implementable. Some concepts will take time to digest and think about. Also, if you don?t have that many hours each week, you can certainly learn the concepts and implement them more slowly over time. There?s no pressure to put the pedal to the metal like I did.

What about if I want to grow my business locally, not online?

Whether your business is locally-focused on online-focused, you can benefit from B-School. These days even local businesses need an online presence and can benefit from learning more about marketing and list-building. The concepts taught in this program are applicable either way. B-School will teach you how to create a strong online presences and promoting yourself over the internet.

Why am I promoting someone else?s program?

If you?ve been hanging around here for awhile, you?ll have noticed that I have never promoted another person?s paid program. Why would I start now?

I?m promoting Marie?s program for several reasons.

First, this program had such a HUGE impact on my business last year that it would be like I was keeping my dirty success secret all to myself if I didn?t share it with you. That?s just wouldn?t be fair!

Second, if I were to teach you everything in Marie?s program through private coaching, it would take us six months to cover it all. I don?t work that long with clients and it would cost you a lot more than what Marie?s program costs.

Third, I am an affiliate for Marie?s program. This means I get a commission if you sign up though my affiliate link. This is why, in return for you purchasing through my link, I?m offering free private coaching with me. You win by signing up for B-School and learning to rock your business. I win when you purchase with my link. You win again by getting private coaching with me.

How to get free coaching with me

I am both a proud graduate and an affiliate for B-School. If B-School sounds like the right move for you and your business, I want to support you in reaching the next level of success in your business.

If you sign up for B-School using my affiliate link, you will get two free half-hour private coaching sessions with me. That?s a $500 value! Your private sessions can be used during the duration of B-School so I can assist you in implementing the concepts taught during the program. This way, your success can be a slam dunk.

If you?re already a client, you can simply add these two additional sessions onto your current coaching package.

To take advantage of the free coaching, simply email me once B-School starts. Tell me you signed up with my affiliate link, and I?ll tell you how to book your sessions.

Are you ready?

If you?re ready to take a leap in your business and make money online, Marie Forleo?s B-School is one of the best programs out there.

Is now your time? I can?t wait to see you soar!

If you have more questions about the program, email me and I will reply to you personally.

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UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center physician selected as ...

Researcher Karen Kelly named fellow of ELAM program.

Karen Kelly, UC Davis

Karen Kelly, associate director for clinical research at the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center, has been selected as a fellow of the prestigious Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) Program for Women at Drexel University College of Medicine.

Kelly, an internationally recognized medical oncologist who specializes in lung cancer, will be part of the 2012-2013 class of 54 women physicians and scientists from 48 different institutions around the country and beyond, including from Puerto Rico, Canada and Saudi Arabia.

ELAM is dedicated to preparing senior women faculty for positions of leadership at academic health centers, where they can play a role in helping the organizations become more inclusive of different perspectives and responsive to the needs and expectations of society.

?I am honored to have been chosen for this exciting program,? Kelly said. ?With our cancer center?s new National Cancer Institute ?comprehensive designation? and expanding translational research programs, this fellowship will give me tools I can bring to our multidisciplinary efforts to discover better treatments and improve outcomes for all patients.?

As a fellow, Kelly will be required to develop an ?Institutional Action Project? designed to address an institutional or departmental need or priority. The project is designed to help ELAM fellows understand the challenges facing academic health centers and the skills a leader needs to address them, while also helping to implement concrete changes within the health system. She will attend three week-long, in-residence sessions, beginning in September.

Since her recruitment to the cancer center from the University of Kansas in 2011, Kelly has enhanced the infrastructure of the clinical trials program and founded several clinical cancer innovation groups. As director of the Phase 1 Clinical Trials Unit, she is developing additional venues to evaluate new drugs, building relationships with industry partners and working to recruit more patients to trials.

Kelly has held many leadership roles in national cancer organizations, including the American Society of Clinical Oncology, the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer and the National Cancer Institute. She has authored more than 150 papers, reviews and book chapters and frequently lectures on lung cancer topics worldwide.

About ELAM
ELAM is a core program of the Institute for Women?s Health and Leadership at Drexel University College of Medicine in Philadelphia, Pa. The Institute continues the legacy of advancing women in medicine that began in 1850 with the founding of the Female Medical College of Pennsylvania, the nation?s first women?s medical school and a predecessor of today?s Drexel University College of Medicine. For more information on the ELAM program curriculum, faculty and participants, visit

UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center
UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center is the only National Cancer Institute-designated center serving the Central Valley and inland Northern California, a region of more than 6 million people. Its specialists provide compassionate, comprehensive care for more than 9,000 adults and children every year, and access to more than 150 clinical trials at any given time. Its innovative research program engages more than 280 scientists at UC Davis, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Jackson Laboratory (JAX West), whose scientific partnerships advance discovery of new tools to diagnose and treat cancer. Through the Cancer Care Network, UC Davis collaborates with a number of hospitals and clinical centers throughout the Central Valley and Northern California regions to offer the latest cancer care. Its community-based outreach and education programs address disparities in cancer outcomes across diverse populations. For more information, visit

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ESPN says O-line will be top UK football fall question

Mike Summers

ESPN?s SEC Blog is wrapping up each member?s spring football drills, with Kentucky?s wrap being posted this morning.

In the view of blogger Edward Aschoff, Kentucky?s No. 1 fall question is its offensive line.


1. Offensive line: Three starters up front had to be replaced this spring and the Wildcats ended practice knowing that the offensive line is still a work in progress. There is leadership and experience in Larry Warford and Matt Smith, but after that there?s a lot of inexperience. Behind Warford and Smith, rising sophomore Darrian Miller and junior-to-be Kevin Mitchell combined for three starts last year. There were bright spots here and there this spring, but the inexperience up front is still a concern for coaches heading into the offseason.

I would agree with that to some degree, but have enough confidence in line coach Mike Summers, and the ability of Larry Warford, to think the line will be in decent shape come the opener against Louisville. The concern here is still playmakers. Can DeMarco Robinson, Josh Clemons, Darryl Collins, etc., give the offense the home run ability it lacked last year?

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