Wednesday, March 6, 2013

How Magento developers integrate social media network for ...

aasd1 300x112 How Magento developers integrate social media network for eCommerce sitesThe social media revolution has paved the way for several successful businesses to reach to the growing audiences. Research shows that more than 75% of consumer trusts other?s recommendation while they decide to buy products and services. The rest 25% trust the online advertisement. The actual value of social networks, amongst which Google+ and Facebook being the most influential ones,is their exponentially dominant word of mouth marketing.

If you are a Magento developers what is the first thing you would do to make your client?s eCommerce site successful? It?s simple. The Magento developers strive to integrate the social network bundle for every eCommerce business. The bulk integration of Magento with Twitter, Social bookmarking or Get Satisfaction (a people-powered customer service) can be effectively used to generate leads and convert them to sales for your web shop. The social networks are indeed necessary for every eCommerce business owners to make their company socially active.

With millions of eCommerce stores on the internet, utilising social media can make a tremendous impact to your clients? store?s fortunes. However, it can also augment the possibility of potential customer and ensure that they remain your loyal customers. So what are the aspects of social media, a developer can integrate for a successful eCommerce business?

Integrating TWITTER with Magento:

ad How Magento developers integrate social media network for eCommerce sitesTwitter is a blogging service. It allows the user to send messages to the ones who follow them and also answer any questions. Post registering the Twitter account the business owner can keep a track of what the users are updating as their status. Also they check timeline regarding what kind of people they should follow.Remember,when you sign up for a Twitter account, it is best to sign up as the name of your company, because customers are more likely to find out the name of the store rather than your own name.

Installing the LazzyMonks Twitter module:

There are several ways Twitter can be used by the Magentodevelopers. The most versatile is the installation of LazzyMonks Twitter modules. The LazzyMonks module can be installed from the Magento admin. All they do is, log in to the Magento store?s administration panel, click on the ?Magento Connect Manager? in the? Magento Connect? option under a tab called ?system tab?. Once this entire process has finished loading, they paste the ?extension key? into a text box just next to the ?Paste Extension key? to install ?label?. This process installs the module.

dsa How Magento developers integrate social media network for eCommerce sites

The developers even configure the module?s setting which can be found beneath the Twitter option of the Configuration section of the owner?s store administration panel under the system tab. The Twitter login option is also interesting. The owner?s username and password is required to login to the Twitter account.

After the installation they visit the Magento store?s administration panel where a Twitter option is added to the navigation. They also keep a ?View Tweets?option which would allow the business owner to view all the updates made to their twitter account. There is also an option called the? Post Update? which allows the owner to update on Twitter from the store?s administration panel.

dsaasad How Magento developers integrate social media network for eCommerce sites

Once all these stages have been covered, the store owner can start posting any updates in their twitter account but only through Magneto?s administration panel.

Integrating Twitter?s Widgets and Magento Content Management System:

fdsa How Magento developers integrate social media network for eCommerce sitesThe twitter feed is incorporated with Magento by embedding ?Twitter?s Widget? into the eCommerce site. This can be done by logging into the Twitter account and go to ? The HTML provided within the Magento template is used to insert the Twitter updates in the store.

In addition to the Twitter Widgets, Twitter feed can also be integrated through?Magneto?s Content Management system? (CMS). It is done by selecting the ?CMS /manage page? in the Magneto?s administration panel and then selecting the page where the Twitter stream need to appear in.

Integrating social bookmarking with Magento:

The main aim of social bookmarking is to allow customers to interact with eCommerce businesses outside the store, ensuring that they are considering the eCommerce products everywhere. The developers use different social bookmarking tools for the eCommerce store. These include:

  • Delicious
  • Digg
  • Facebook
  • Mister Wong

However, among these tools, the two major ones are ?Add this? and ?Socializer?. The former allows the visitors to the eCommerce store to bookmark the store with more than 50 different online bookmarking services. It also provides the user the option to print their preferred page and email it to their friends. The developers use ?AddThis? to track which pages are shared and how they are being shared.?Socializer?is used by the Magento developers to allow users to bookmark a huge range of bookmarking services. They create a link to the Socializer. They give an URL and the title of the page to be bookmarked.

The integration of ?Get satisfaction? with Magento:

cxz How Magento developers integrate social media network for eCommerce sitesAlthough ?Get Satisfaction? is an unofficial customer support service still the Magento developer find this social network interesting. They create a link to sign up for a Get satisfaction account and then add this link to the store?s footer area, requesting for customer feedback. However, the number of visits the account can receive is limited. For the eCommerce owner to sign up on to this page, they need to open the store?s administration panel and opt for the?Staticblocks??option below the ?CMS?.After this they can select the ?Footer links static block?from the list.

Magento has taken over the eCommerce market and has revolutionised the way online transaction takes place especially through social media marketing.


Author bio: William Johnson belongs to the most creative field of digital media ? Web Design. Currently he is obsessed with the latest trend in eCommerce development, online marketing, Magento eCommerce and lots more. William also runs free consultation programs on web designing tips, Internet marketing trends and more for his set of readers. He is an editor at Big Eye Deers.

Image Credit: Photobucket


Posted on: March 5, 2013


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